A beginner course with all the explanations, techniques, conceptual and sensory for you to start being part of the world of Brazilian zouk and have fun with us! Detailed texts and illustrations about the 10 basic movements of our dance, musicality and much more. -Musicality -Basic in place -Basic forward and backward -Elastic/Rau -Viradinha -Side -Preparation/Opening -Simple turn -Soltinho -Yo-yo -Bonus/Boomerang A course for beginners with all the explanations, techniques, conceptual and sensorial aspects for you to start being part of the world of Brazilian zouk and have fun with us! Detailed texts and illustrations about the 10 basic movements of our dance, musicality and much more. Content: -Musicality -Basics in place -Basic front and back -Elastic/Rau -Viradinha -Side -Preparation/Opening -Simple turn -Soltinho -Yo-yo -Bonus/Boomerang
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